Everything You Need to Know About T’ai Chi Ch’uan

An ancient Chinese art, T'ai Chi Ch'uan, or T'ai Chi for short, is derived from the philosophy of Taoism and emphasizes meditation through movement. It is comprised of postures that are practiced with the intention of integrating the body, mind, and spirit.

It has been shown in recent research studies that this centuries-old practice has many health benefits. These include improved leg strength, balance and flexibility in the joints, strengthened immune system, and reduced hypertension. Its flowing relaxation will enhance emotional well-being, inner peace, and harmony through proper breath control and concentration.

No uniform or special equipment is needed. Students are asked to wear loose fitting clothes and flat soled shoes.

Relax and Stiffness Begins to Thaw



Cheng Man Ch'ing Postures

Cheng Man Ch’ing has created T’ai Chi form postures which had been popularly known as the “Yang-style short form.” These postures are a shortened version of the “Yang-style form.”

The “shorter” version became more popular than the earlier one because it only takes a third of the original posture’s time. These forms are beneficial for health and self-development of a person. You can check out our list of postures in our postures page.

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